Why We Exist...Why Get Involved?


  • We believe that better decision making, economic sustainability and a happier society will exist by leveraging 100% of the world’s talent. 
  • We are creating a movement of people who aspire to accelerate the current pace of change towards gender balanced leadership.  
  • We exist to connect people via our unique global network, inspiring the leaders of today to create exemplary leaders of tomorrow.
  • We create an environment where you, the members of the PWN Global community can support one another, embrace new skills, learn to speak out on the topic and create sustainable action plans. Why? Ethically – we know it’s the ‘right’ thing to do, and Financially – it’s the profitable thing to do. Remain competitive, be better. Join us!
  • Leveraging 100% of the world’s talent will result in better decision making and a economically sustainable, happier society. We aspire to accelerate the pace of change and to inspire our community to embrace new skills, support one another and put reforms into action.


YOU - women and men, your families; corporate PARTNERS, and their partners; collaborative institutions, academic establishments; other networks, forums and supporters of gender balanced leadership. Our COMMUNITY courageously speaks up and proudly puts our values into practice in their own organisations. 


We are a social catalyst focused on positive change via sharing KNOWLEDGE, BEST PRACTICES, TOOLS and TECHNIQUES through networking, learning events, instructive webinars and mentoring programs.

What We Believe In

RESPECT: Our volunteers, our partners and all who contribute to the advancement of gender balanced leadership

COURAGE: It takes bravery to advance real change

GRATITUDE: We are thankful for the contribution of every one of you, our supporters

COLLABORATIVE INTELLIGENCE: We work together to achieve great things

EXCELLENCE: We do the best we can – and love to exceed expectations

TALENT: We nurture talent to build a brighter future

PROGRESS: We make it happen!

What We Do

Create Safe Networking Environments

  • Meet and share ideas with people from a diverse range of industries, seniority levels and geographical locations – via our online member platform, or at local face-to-face events
  • Build alliances and do business together in a non-threatening, professional situations

Help You Develop Your Knowledge and Skills

  • Thought leadership webinars - helping you to understand the latest concepts and theories
  • Self-development webinars – building and refining your practical skills and competences
  • 600+ physical events, around the world, every year
  • Dynamic content on the latest and greatest insights to help you advance your career
  • Interactive Forums for you to discuss and debate with our global members
  • Advanced global online networking as well as face-to-face local networking
  • Offer volunteer opportunities – a great way for you to build your skills in a safe environment

Give You Access to Excellent Mentoring Programs

  • Bespoke local mentoring program – one to one or group mentoring
  • International virtual mentoring programs for senior leaders
  • Invovlement in EU funded projects, such as the ME-ToTEM Mentoring project

Inform You on Gender Balanced Leadership

  • Give you access to the latest research on gender balanced leadership
  • Collaborate, develop and share best practices to help organizations engage men in women’s development
  • Set up a network of male allies who are passionate about working together with women on collaborative leadership

Provide Exclusive Services for Executive Leaders

  • We recognise that our senior, C-Suite members have very specific needs and so we offer them a global, customized programme that helps them to network with professionals of a similar seniority and boost their visibility

Spread the Word

  • Continue to take PWN Global to the world by identifying the cities in which we can best serve potential members
  • Build a truly global presence - working closely with our corporate sponsors to have a presence in the areas they need us to be
  • Strategic partnerships with other networks and events including Women’s Forum, SAIS, WIN, JUMP, WiL, NASEBA, Global Summit, GWALS

A PWN Lisbon, formalmente constituída em 2011, consiste numa organização sem fins lucrativos integrada na PWN Global, com a missão de promover o desenvolvimento profissional das mulheres em todas as suas etapas, através de práticas reconhecidas a nível internacional, nomeadamente programas de formação em liderança e mentoring, investigação e desenvolvimento da rede de networking e partilha de modelos de excelência. A PWN Lisbon conta, atualmente, com mais de 1800 membros - Premium Members, Corporate Members, e Free Users, registados na plataforma, entre mulheres e homens, de diferentes faixas etárias e com total diversificação de funções, setores e culturas. Alinhada com o seu objetivo de liderar a definição e implementação de iniciativas inovadoras no acompanhamento contínuo e na promoção das mulheres nas suas carreiras, a PWN Lisbon dinamiza um conjunto de programas e iniciativas inovadores – Youth, Mentoring, Neuroleadership e Engaging All - e pequenos-almoços de networking, workshops e ações de role model e partilha de boas práticas com personalidades de referência nos mais diferentes setores do tecido empresarial português.

Siga-nos em pwnlisbon.net,  LinkedInFacebook ou Instagram 


Para rever e voltar a ouvir:

⇒ 10 podcasts, alojados em: SoundCloud, divulgados ao longo de 2022 para que a nossa comunidade de membros e o público em geral desfrutem com tempo de conversas que também foram feitas com tempo, a contraciclo. Porque a inspiração acontece quando temos os olhos, e os ouvidos, atentos, demorados em qualquer lugar.

⇒ Momentos e testemunhos das celebrações dos 10 anos da PWN Lisbon em https://youtube.com/PWN Lisbon | 10 Anos


We offer you a home, a place to learn from like-minded individuals; develop new skills (via our tried and tested volunteering program), air your professional concerns and frustrations and find solutions! Become a member of the PWN Global community and you can:

  • Access a ready-built support network that will help you achieve your professional aspirations
  • Learn from a wealth of practical advice on how to deal with inequality in the workplace

Become a member - individual our throught your company - and access in-depth knowledge that will support your organization in putting gender balance at the very core of your operations.

Connect, share, learn, advance – yourself and the world!


PWN Lisbon Garden Corporate Partners



PWN Lisbon Flower Corporate Partners





PWN Lisbon Non-Corporate Partners





 PWN Lisbon Editorial Collaborations:





PWN Global is a global movement of people working towards gender balanced leadership through professional development and international, cross-industry, online and in-person networking.    


Siga-nos em:





♦  Agenda de eventos da PWN Lisbon, PWN Global, e restantes City Networks em Events


 ♦ Sugestão de leitura 

 “O Mundo é Melhor do que Parece”, por Vitor Bento, vice-presidente PWN Lisbon

Já se encontra disponível o novo artigo de opinião da PWN Lisbon para a PME Magazine Portugal.Mundo.Empresas, no âmbito da nossa parceria editorial.

Texto que, através das palavras sábias e experientes do autor, revisita a memória histórica e ajuda, sem retirar o peso das fragilidades do tempo atual, a colocá-las em perspetiva.

Leia o artigo na íntegra aqui: https://lnkd.in/gTnaNNsw

Para ouvir  

Siga-nos em https://on.soundcloud.com


♦ Assembleia Geral 2024 | Mensagem da Presidente


Apresentao AG_PWN Lisbon - 25 maro 2024


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